Thursday, January 28, 2010

Childish Behavior

Am I the only one who noticed the childish behavior of most of the Republican members of Congress during the president's State of the Union speech Wednesday night. In all fairness the minority party never has led the cheering in any of the State of the union speeches I've seen since the JFK years but now it's geeting down right childish.

It's geeting so bad that the president's writers have to work passages into his speeches that force the opposition to show they at least have a pulse. President Obama is brilliant at this. He slips enough conservative fodder into his speeches to force the Republican minority to get off their hands and applaud at least for a few seconds.

The whole mood of the "opposition" whether they be Democrat of Republican makes me want to remove everyone from Congress and start over again.Aren't these people elected to work together to actually get something done on health care, the economy, education, national defense? Is this a class of 3rd graders or just a group of people acting like 3rd graders? Don't they realize how foolish they look when they refuse to acknowledge the president of the United States just because they're afraid of looking weak to their party leadership? I'm sick of it and I hope you are too.

Opposition Response

And one more thing. Can we please save four minutes of valuable television time by eliminating the "opposition's response" to the president. Or at least get someone who has a pulse and one or two hairs out of place.

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