Monday, March 1, 2010

We Need Government

If I hear one more person say government is too big, government cannot tell me what to do, government should not be mixed up in our lives, I'm going to scream. This poses a problem for me because I've never screamed before in my life. I may have to hire a government official to scream for me, after all there are so many of them just doing nothing but scheming different ways to take our money. At least that's the opinion of the "tea party" movement which seems obsessed with whining about paying taxes for any reason whatsoever.

One day a long time ago our founding fathers decided to break away from an oppressive British government because we were being unfairly taxed without representation. We staged something called the American Revolution and formed out own government around something called the constitution of the United States.

Today the only document mis quoted more than the Bible is the U.S. Constitution and by many of the same people.

To all of those who believe our current administration is trying to take away our rights I say this. Where were you when the "Patriots Act" was crammed down our thoats by President Bush and company. Where were you when we invaded Iraq against the wishes of most of the American people. Where were you when the deficit was run up out of control long before the Obama administration took office.

I know many people in local, state and national government. Every one of them is decicated to making their neghborhood, region, state or country a better place in which to live. I know hundreds of people who are government workers including fire fighters, policeman and women, teachers, secretaries, accountants, maintenance workers and elected officials.

The fact is we need more policeman, more fire fighters, more teachers and more good people to run the agencies that hold our country together. Government is not the enemy, ignorance is the enemy. Americans should spend their energy being involved in the process not whining about others who are.

Our system of government is not flawless but it is the best system ever devised. It invites debate, new ideas and innovation. It is a system that must keep improving itself and that can only be done with the support of all the people.

We dont all have to agree on what ideas will help us move forward but we should at least agree that moving forward and getting better as a people is what we need to do.

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