Monday, September 21, 2009

Hold Them Accountable

It has never been more important to know the names and contact information of all of your local, state and U.S. representitives. The radio talk show babble will bring no results. Only your direct emails and letters to your public officials will bring results. On the health care issue we should all be writing our U.S. House of Representives members and our U.S. Senators with our opions and ideas. The time has come to stop letting the loudest voices of our society make the rules. Whether you support President Obamas health care reform ideas, which I do, or any of the other options, you must speak out now.

Every member of the U.S. House is up for re-election in 2010. Put the pressure on them now to let you know where they stand. Do not let them politicize or bash the opposition. Demand to hear their ideas for a solution. We live in a great nation but it loses some of it's greatness if we stand by and let a few loud voices on both sides of the political isle sway our own thinking. According to the U.S. Constitution our government only works if "we the people" speak our piece. We cannot be lazy and let the talk shows do our thinking for us. Check the facts, form your opinion based on the facts and contact your public servants to let them know how you feel.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fear, Hate & Mis-information

I have just named my "All hate and fear" team for the 2009 season and I'm happy to say Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck have made the roster.

Palin makes it for writing on her face book page about the mythical "death panel" in President Obama's health care proposal. Her party used the term death effectively a few times when opposing "estate taxes" over the years. They called them "death taxes." What they really are is a fair way to spread the tax burden equally throughout our society.

Back to the "death panel" for a minute. There is no such thing, never was, never will be. Palin is a "fear monger" of the highest order and should ne ignored.

Glen Beck has used his spewing of fear and hatred as a road to radio talk show success. He is profiting from the mysery of others. On September 26th he'll be presented with the key to the city of Mt. Vernon , Wa. his home town. This might be a good chance for people to let Mr. Beck know what they think of his dangerous hate filled commentaries.

Sean Hannity recently targeted Obama "green jobs" expert Van Jones and has now forced a good man to resign using the same hate and fear tactics of the others.

Thank God we have freedom of speech in America. It is a double edged sword but I wouldn't have it any other way. Hannity, Palin and Beck have every right to spread fear, hatred and lies across this great land of ours but by the same token we have the right to call them out for what they are. They are self profiting entertainers spewing verbal garbage across our landscape for the rest of us to pick up and put into the trash can.