Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Free Pep Talks

"To whom much is given, much is required." That according to Luke in the Bible. A simple statement meaning if you have some good fortune in your life or a special talent you should willingly offer to share it with others.

I've been fortunate enough to be blessed with the ability to share motivational ideas with groups of people while making them laugh at the same time. I've done this for years and was paid a nice fee for my work. In light of the slow climb out of the recent recession I've decided to offer my 30 minute "Pep Talk" to companies and non profits "free."

Sounds crazy huh. It is but I'm doing it anyway. Is there a catch? Sure but only a slight one. If you group of individuals purchases 50 or more of my book, "Smile in the Mirror" at the event at a discount rate of $10, the "Pep Talk" will be offered t no charge to the company.

Recently some government agencies and onn profits have taken advantage of the deal by either purchasing the books in bulk and giving them as gifts to their employees, splitting the cost with employees or having the employees pay the entire $10 themselves.

Any way you twist it, I believe it's a great deal and I'm happy do offer it to your company during 2011. If you're interested contact my assistant Aryn McCarthy at this email address: airbear333@msn.com.