Friday, April 23, 2010

Alaska Makes it Tough

Last year I volunteered to skip an over booked flight on Alaska Airlines and received a $200 Bonus Travel Certificate. I forgot about it until 90 days ago when I received an email from Alaska reminding me to redeem it for travel. I tried, really I tried. I called the toll free number and got someone on the phone who had no clue about what I wanted. I went on line and faced further obstacles that made the whole process a chore. I have now decided to forget about the $200 and not make the mistake again of volunteering to postpone a trip on Alaska or any other airline.

NFL Draft

The build up to the NFL draft is a lesson in the genious of marketing. The league has figured out a way to make something that was going to happen anyway seem way more important than it really is. This is not a complaint, I admire what the league is doing. The NFL makes a celeration out of everything it does, including the Pro Bowl which is it's post season reward for its best players. Now the Pro Bowl precedes the Super Bowl in the same location. This way the league gets the full attention of the sports media and the fans for twice as long as before. That's brilliant.

Names on Uniforms

The Seattle Storm of the WNBA have a new agreement with Microsoft's new search engine Bing. Now instead od Storm on the front of their uniforms, its says BING. I have no problem with that either. It's another case of great marketing and besides I always loved Bing Crosby anyway. Too bad old Bing isn't alive to see his name on those jerseys, I'm sure he'd be proud.