Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

If you're looking for a new car Memorial Day is a good holiday for you. Every car dealership from here to Guam is having a sale. Car deals are good as long as it's not the only reason you're celebrating the holiday.

Please take a minute or two to remember the hundreds of thousands of men and women who've given their lives in the line of duty for this country. Please never take for granted the events that have shaped the freedom of America.

I am no fan of war. I think it is the worst of what we do as human beings but by the same token friends and family have died in wars they did not create and we must remember them fondly on this weekend.

If your town or city has a parade go to it and give a silent blessing in memory of our brave fallen heros.

We had a memorial day parade in my home town of Wilton, Conn. every year. Growing up in Connecticut we had a Memorial Day parade every May. It was so small my Dad used to tease us and say, "don't sneeze or you'll miss it." Inspite of it's size the whole town took great pride in the parade. Back in the 50s there were still World War I veterans marching in the annual event. They were followed by vets from WWII and Korea, then the local police, fire department, school bands and finally kids with decorated bicycles. We marched from Wilton Center up Ridgefield Road to Hillside Cemetary for the actual ceremony.

After the parade there was a softball game at the school field. The local Democrats played the Republicans in what was billed as the "Frivolity Bowl." Apparently a Democrat suggested a softball game years earlier at a town council meeting and a prominent Republican said, "we cannot spend our time on such frivolity. Thus the "Frivolity Bowl" was born. I was winning pitcher in 1971.

I urge everyone to have a great time on Memorial Day weekend. If you can find a Ford truck at a good price, go for it, but never forget why we celebrate this holiday. Never forget the brave men and women who served their country unselfishly so you and I could have a picnic on a nice weekend any time we feel like it.

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