Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Griffey Nap No Big Deal

What's the big deal about Ken Griffey Jr taking a nap in the clubhouse during a game if that's indeed what happened? Most of his teammates have been napping at the plate all season so one more nap isn't going bother me. I've come to one conclusion, there are far too many talk shows on the air and bloggers on the web, including me and I'm tired of hearing and reading what these "experts" have to say. In fact I've written myself a nasty note about this column and promise to mail it as soon as I'm finished.

Who among all of you haven't thought about taking a nap under your desk during the work day?

This is not a big deal and I'm tired of hearing about it. Obviously Griffey's bat speed is slower than it was but I still believe he'll snap out of this slump and have a productive season. Unfortunately it may not come to that. The Mariners may be forced to clear a roster spot and talk Junior into retiring.

Here's my suggestion. The next time Griffey hits a home run the Mariners should called a press conference and announce his retirement, that way he can go out the way Ted Williams went out, with a home run in his last at bat. All we need to do now is get an opposing pitcher to set him up with fast balls right down the middle, sort of like Denny McClain did when Mickey Mantle was one homer shy of 500. Come on boys let's create a happy ending for this story. Griffey deserves it.

Ken Griffey taking a nap in the clubhouse is far less a problem than Milton Bradley

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