Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Little Gratitude

Thanks to everyone who came to see the Evergreen Family theatre production of A Christmas Carol. This timeless story is so much in line with the events of the past year or so. Too many people are looking at the holiday with an attitude of want rather than appreciation. I believe the more you think about what you do not have the more you will not have. As difficult as it is to do, it's a good idea to make a list of what's good in your life. As you think about it the list will grow longer.

Another holiday favorite of mine and many others is "It's a Wonderful Life," in which George Bailey discovers exactly how important his life really is and how many people it touches.

So take a minute today to express gratitude for the many blessings in this world. Doing that doesn't mean you should ignore the bad news or the great needs of others but before you help someone else you must get your house in order. A great writer named Dr. Wayne Dyer says in his book, "The Power of Intention," you cannot make yourself poor enough to help someone else who is poor. Do not fret over the situation of a person in need, just help them in any way you can.

Merry Christmas to my friends who celebrate Christmas and to those who don't, may you be blessed with wisdom , gratitude, health and happiness.

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