Friday, October 2, 2009

Spewing the Spittle of Suspicion

Thanks to our wonderful United States Constitution fear and hate mongers like Glenn Beck get to spew the spittle of suspicion across our land every day. Thanks also to our U.S. Constitution true patriots such as the people who build our country instead of breaking it down, have the right to ignore or at least filter out every negative morsel exiting the mouths Beck and his comrades.

Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reily and the rest of their gang are described as "entertainers" by the network for which they work. What did I miss here? I consider the great actors, comedians , singers and musicians of my time and yours to be the real entertainers.

I'll take an evening of Elvis music anytime over 5 seconds of Beck babble. Let me hear Johnny Cash sing about "A Boy Named Sue," over Rush's constant notes of negitivism about everything President Obama says and does.

Entertainment should make us laugh, cry or at least feel some emotion designed to allow the mind and body to recover "reality" we're bombarded with every day.

All Beck and Rush and Bill do is make their closest followers feel even more bitter, cast blame on everyone but themselves and continue to erode our trust in the basic values of the democratic system of government.

Good government in America comes from well informed, selfless people who are not afraid to get involved with positive ideas and solutions to difficult problems.

Beck and his gang of "entertainers" have every right to do what they do and say what they say. We as a free people have every right to filter out what they say and base our own opinions and actions on research and common sense.

1 comment:

  1. thank you Tony. I'm so sick of all the hatred and negativity from the right. they put politics ahead of happiness and country.
