Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ted Kennedy

I made the mistake of listening to a few minutes of talk radio Wednesday, the day after the death of Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so willing to speak out on topics they know nothing about. Ted Kennedy was one of the most effective United States Senators in our history. Was he the best ever? Probably not, but he was one of the best at crossing the ever widening isle between liberal and conservative. Kennedy never wavered on his mission or his beliefs. He was not afraid to call himself "liberal." He worked for the rights of women, seniors, immigrants, the poor and the un insured. In 1969 a horrible error in judgement caused the death of a young campaign volunteer. Kennedy made serious errors in judgement 40 years ago on the island of Chappaquidick. He and his female companion were coming from a re union of Robert Kennedy staffers, both were drinking and Kennedy was driving. There were rumors that they were having an affair or at least a one night stand. While I will not attempt to justify either of those possibilities I will say this. Both Kennedy and his companion were distraught over the death of RFK. It is quite likely and not that unusual that in the heat of that emotional turmoil excessive drinking and a "one night stand" may have occured. Why is this such a shock to people? It happens and it probably happened that night, but to continue to condemn a person for stupid actions 40 years ago seems crazy to me. Especially when that person tried and succeeded in turning his life around and focusing on inproving the lives of un told millions of others in his career. Ted Kennedy was born wealthy, he could have spent his money and life on trivial things as many rich people do. Instead he chose to use public service to help others. He was simply a man with some flaws and some natural gifts. He managed his flws and used his gifts to help others for 47 of his 77 years. Not a bad legacy.

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