Monday, July 12, 2010

7 Keys to Happiness

Hi everyone. You're all invited to a "free" presentation of "7 Keys to Happiness," at the Longview, Wa. PUD building 961 12th Ave in Longview, Wa. July 20th at 7 p.m. I'll present my "7 Keys to Happiness" seminar and everyone who attends will get a "free" copy of my book, "Smile in the Mirror." There is no obligation, we are not selling anything and we don't want your contact information. This is "free" to all who attend and I know you'll enjoy it. See you July 20th in Longview.

1 comment:

  1. Now if it was Longview, TX, I'd be there. I'm quite sure I have your book, Tony. Time for a reread.
